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Desires come from God.

I have had such a great difficulty grappling this simple concept. I often confused it with my wants, while God nudges me in the direction of my needs. Why desire is such a great thing?

God works in mysterious ways - Everyone knows that. And I believe Desire is one of the entity in His repertoire. It might not make much sense when you are at the very beginning of your relationship with God as your life would have been influenced more by your environment and people. However, when you begin to move with God consistently by obeying His words and following in His footsteps - your life will slowly change according to His Will. Your desires will become sculpted in His ways.

Your heart will desire to be One with God; To live in His ways; Naturally, you start to hate wrong(nonsensical) things in the world as God has already shown you the wisdom which comes from heaven. Compared to that, wisdom comes from this world looks cheaper and nonsensical. That' s what I' d call Mind Transformation through God and Holy Spirit.

Going forward, it would transform how you would live your life generally. If you begin to listen more closely to it by silencing other noises, God will also begin to talk to your desires more often and let you know about His Heart and Desires. One thing about your desire - it will always be according to His Will.

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